Standards of waste management in a housing society in Pakistan

Society Waste Management: Urban housing societies worldwide, especially in developing nations, are becoming concrete colonies for city residents to live in. The ever-increasing demands for larger floor areas or higher parking spots obscure the natural surroundings and greenery. The building of high-paying mobile towers carelessly encourages income generation, exposing vulnerable populations, including the elderly, young children, and newborns, to non-ionizing radiation in their houses.

With the rising living standards of cities, many housing societies are experiencing significant water supply issues. As a result, the already sparse grassy patches, plants, and trees inside the society’s grounds slowly deteriorate. The increased demand for development and the accumulation of construction waste results in a lack of fertility in the civilizations’ topsoil, further depleting the greenery.

Waste Management in Housing Societies in Islamabad

The preferred source where waste and garbage are produced is in our homes. The management of trash in housing societies must thus be done so effectively.

All housing projects should set up a proper solid waste management system, which may include reducing solid waste at the source by encouraging residents to adopt environment-friendly lifestyles, adequate waste collection, a sweeping street system, the placement of trash cans along roadsides, and arrangements for the categorization of biodegradable, recyclable material, inert, and recyclable waste resources using electrical arrangements.

According to the Solid Waste Management and Recycling Bill 2016, it is important to maintain a clean environment, and housing societies are required to set up solid waste management systems within their residential and commercial properties for resource recovery, recycling, and reuse, as well as final disposal of solid waste.

In the federal capital, there are about 60 legal and over 100 illegal housing societies; most of them lack a rubbish management system. A competent solid waste management system should be present under the occupancy of every owner and occupant of homes, businesses, and other structures.

Before selling the nearby residential and commercial plots, all housing societies must set up an effective solid waste management system. MPCHS-multi gardens housing society in Islamabad is ensuring all waste management standards to make it healthier for people. 

Waste Management in Multi-Gardens B17

MPCHS maintains a standard for proper solid waste management in Multi-gardens B17. The strategy consists of the following instructions and tips:

  • Mandatory segregation of waste for the households that is both wet and waste. Ensure that there is a distinct container for dry garbage and wet trash in each flat. Wet trash breaks down quickly and can be converted into biogas, fertilizer, and soil conditioner.
  • A wet and dry bin should be available for the cleaner to use when collecting.
  • Aware residents to drain liquid waste, such as soured milk or a curry. When disposing of liquids through a garbage container, spills frequently occur. The proliferation of insects, flies, and other pests is aided by liquid waste, another important consideration.
  • Cleaning up the common areas of society is essential, just like in homes. Dustbins that are placed carefully assist keep waste off the property. Common spaces, including the foyer, play areas, and the vicinity of the facilities, are routinely swept and cleaned.
  • Encourage the youngsters to choose environmentally friendly and biodegradable items.
  • Aside from these routine tasks, individuals need to respect the law and recognize the value of waste management. Work can be accomplished with close supervision and lots of discipline.

In the housing society, effective waste management is a never-ending activity. It only functions with ongoing discussions, awareness initiatives, and reminders. We will encourage residents and society committee members to organize waste management and awareness events.